I am a psychologist and licensed psychotherapist (behavior therapy) employed with the University of Siegen, Germany, and also the guy responsible for teaching statics in our BSc and MSc psychology programs. My methodological research interests include missing data and multiple imputation.
My applied research focusses on – well it doesn’t really focus. I am interested in many different fields including criminology, and various subdomains of clinical psychology (childhood trauma, pain, etc.). For an overview, see my publications. MI-related publications are listed here.
Facultas Docendi & Venia Legendi (Psychology), 2024
University of Siegen, Faculty of Life Sciences
Licensed Psychotherapist (Behavior Therapy), 2021
Landesamt für Soziales, Jugend und Versorgung, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Dr. rer. nat., 2014
Bielefeld University, Germany
Diplom in Psychology, 2008
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
BSocSc(Hons), 2008
University of Waikato, New Zealand
: Multiple imputation of incomplete count dataCount data require special analysis and imputation techniques. countimp
provides addon-functions to the popular multiple imputation package mice
, and extends mice
’s functionality. Imputation models include:
version 2 is available from github under the GPL-3 licence.install_git
from package devtools
:# install.packages('remotes')
version 2 is described in detail (+ tutorials, examples) in Chapter 6 of our book.countimp
1, see this technical report. Note that countimp
version 1 only works with mice
version 2.35 or older.I give one- to three-day workshops on missing data, multiple imputation, and SEM either at your institution or online. To inquire about a workshop, please contact me via Email
in , 2-day workshop, German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), Hannover (2019)I offer paid statistical consulting for external researchers and for organizations. To inquire about a consulting session, please contact me via Email.