Applied Multiple Imputation

Advantages, pitfalls, new developments and applications in R

Book “Applied multiple imputation”


  1. Introduction and Basic Concepts
  2. Missing Data Mechanism and Ignorability
  3. Missing Data Methods
  4. Multiple Imputation: Theory
  5. Multiple Imputation: Application
  6. Multiple Imputation: New Developments

This book explores missing data techniques and provides a detailed and easy-to-read introduction to multiple imputation, covering the theoretical aspects of the topic and offering hands-on help with the implementation. It discusses the pros and cons of various techniques and concepts, including multiple imputation quality diagnostics, an important topic for practitioners. It also presents current research and new, practically relevant developments in the field, and demonstrates the use of recent multiple imputation techniques designed for situations where distributional assumptions of the classical multiple imputation solutions are violated. In addition, the book features numerous practical tutorials for widely used R software packages to generate multiple imputations (norm, pan and mice). The provided R code and data sets allow readers to reproduce all the examples and enhance their understanding of the procedures. This book is intended for social and health scientists and other quantitative researchers who analyze incompletely observed data sets, as well as master’s and PhD students with a sound basic knowledge of statistics.

R package countimp - Multiple imputation of incomplete count data


Count data require special analysis and imputation techniques. countimp provides addon-functions to the popular multiple imputation package mice, and extends mice’s functionality. Imputation models include: - the standard Poisson model,
- the quasi-poisson, and negative binomial model for overdispersed count data, - zero-inflation and hurdle models for count data with an excess of zero counts - multilevel versions of these models.

Download / Installation

  • countimp version 2 is available from github under the GPL-3 licence.
  • The latest version can be installed from GitHub using function install_git from package devtools:
# install.packages('remotes')
  • countimp version 2 is described in detail in chapter 6 of our book.
  • The user’s guide with some applications and Monte Carlo Simulations is available here.

Our missing data research