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Beblo, T., Pelster, S., Schilling, C., Kleinke, K., Iffland, B., Driessen, M., & Fernando, S. (2018). Breath versus emotions: The impact of different foci of attention during mindfulness meditation on the experience of negative and positive emotions. Behavior Therapy, 49(5), 702–714.
Bürgler, S., Kleinke, K., & Hennecke, M. (2022). The metacognition in self-control scale (MISCS). Personality and Individual Differences, 199, Article 111841.
de Haan, A., Kleinke, K., Degen, E., & Landolt, M. A. (2024). Longitudinal relationship between posttraumatic cognitions and internalising symptoms in children and adolescents. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15(1), Article 2398357.
de Haan, A., Landolt, M. A., Fried, E. I., Kleinke, K., Alisic, E., Bryant, R., Salmon, K., Chen, S.-H., Liu, S.-T., Dalgleish, T., McKinnon, A., Alberici, A., Claxton, J., Diehle, J., Lindauer, R., Roos, C. de, Halligan, S. L., Hiller, R., Kristensen, C. H., … Meiser-Stedman, R. (2020). Dysfunctional posttraumatic cognitions, posttraumatic stress and depression in children and adolescents exposed to trauma: A network analysis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 61(1), 77–87.
Exner, A., Kampa, M., Finke, J. B., Stalder, T., Klapperich, H., Hassenzahl, M., Kleinke, K., & Klucken, T. (2023). Repressive and vigilant coping styles in stress and relaxation: Evidence for physiological and subjective differences at baseline, but not for differential stress or relaxation responses. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1196481.
Forstmeier, S., Zimmermann, S., van der Hal, E., Auerbach, M., Kleinke, K., Maercker, A., & Brom, D. (2023). Effect of life review therapy for holocaust survivors: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 36(3), 628–641.
Kaiser, F., Oberwittler, D., Thielmann, I., Kleinke, K., & Greifer, N. (2024). When does criminal victimization undermine generalized trust? A weighted panel analysis of the effects of crime type, frequency, and variety. Social Science Research, 124, Article 103086.
Kiendl, K., Wenzel, M., Kleinke, K., & Hennecke, M. (2024). Conscientiousness, trait self-control, and neuroticism predict individual differences in the variability of goal dimensions. European Journal of Personality, Article 08902070241295321.
Kleinke, K. (2017). Multiple imputation under violated distributional assumptions – a systematic evaluation of the assumed robustness of predictive mean matching. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 42(4), 371–404.
Kleinke, K. (2018). Multiple imputation by predictive mean matching when sample size is small. Methodology, 14(1), 3–15.
Kleinke, K. (2021). Estimation of partially observed non-linear terms in a multilevel model: An evaluation of the robustness of ad hoc and state-of-the-art missing data methods. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 63(3), 432–455.
Kleinke, K., Fritsch, M., Stemmler, M., & Lösel, F. (2024). Multiple imputation of longitudinal data – a comparison of robust imputation methods regarding sample size requirements, with an application to corporal punishment data. In M. Stemmler, W. Wiedermann, & F. Huang (Eds.), Dependent data in social sciecnes research – forms, issues and methods of analysis (second edition) (pp. 565–588). Springer Nature.
Kleinke, K., Fritsch, M., Stemmler, M., Reinecke, J., & Lösel, F. (2021). Quantile regression-based multiple imputation of missing values – an evaluation and application to corporal punishment data. Methodology, 17(3), 205–230.
Kleinke, K., Jong, R. de, Spiess, M., & Reinecke, J. (2011). Multiple imputation of incomplete ordinary and overdispersed count data [Technical Report]. University of Bielefeld, Faculty of Sociology.
Kleinke, K., & Reinecke, J. (2013a). countimp 1.0A multiple imputation package for incomplete count data (Technical Report 01-2013). University of Bielefeld, Faculty of Sociology.
Kleinke, K., & Reinecke, J. (2013b). Multiple imputation of incomplete zero-inflated count data. Statistica Neerlandica, 67(3), 311–336.
Kleinke, K., & Reinecke, J. (2014). Multiple imputation of zero-inflated and overdispersed multilevel count data [Technical Report]. University of Bielefeld, Faculty of Sociology & Centre for Statistics.
Kleinke, K., & Reinecke, J. (2015a). Multiple imputation of multilevel count data. In U. Engel, B. Jann, P. Lynn, A. Scherpenzeel, & P. Sturgis (Eds.), Improving Survey Methods: Lessons from Recent Research (pp. 381–396). Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
Kleinke, K., & Reinecke, J. (2015b). Multiple imputation of overdispersed multilevel count data. In U. Engel (Ed.), Survey Measurements. Techniques, Data Quality and Sources of Error (pp. 209–226). Campus/The University of Chicago Press.
Kleinke, K., & Reinecke, J. (2019). Countimp version 2 – A multiple imputation package for incomplete count data [Technical Report]. University of Siegen, Department of Education Studies; Psychology.
Kleinke, K., & Reinecke, J. (2022). How to and how not to impute incomplete count data. In A. Hernández & I. Tomás (Eds.), Proceedings from the 9th European Congress of Methodology (pp. 86–92). Universitat de València.
Kleinke, K., & Reinecke, J. (2024). Multiple imputation of incomplete panel data based on a piecewise growth curve model – an evaluation and application to juvenile delinquency data. In M. Stemmler, W. Wiedermann, & F. Huang (Eds.), Dependent data in social sciecnes research – forms, issues and methods of analysis (second edition) (pp. 589–615). Springer Nature.
Kleinke, K., Reinecke, J., Salfrán, D., & Spiess, M. (2020). Applied multiple imputation. Advantages, pitfalls, new developments and applications in R. Springer Nature.
Kleinke, K., Reinecke, J., & Weins, C. (2021). The development of delinquency during adolescence: A comparison of missing data techniques revisited. Quality & Quantity, 55(3), 877–895.
Kleinke, K., Schlüter, E., & Christ, O. (2017). Strukturgleichungsmodelle mit Mplus: Eine praktische Einführung (2. Aufl.). de Gruyter.
Kleinke, K., Stemmler, M., Reinecke, J., & Lösel, F. (2011). Efficient ways to impute incomplete panel data. Advances in Statistical Analysis, 95, 351–373.
Machulska, A., Eiler, T. J., Haßler, B., Kleinke, K., Brück, R., Jahn, K., Niehaves, B., & Klucken, T. (2023). Mobile phone-based approach bias retraining for smokers seeking abstinence: A randomized-controlled study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1–22.
Machulska, A., Eiler, T. J., Kleinke, K., Grünewald, A., Brück, R., Jahn, K., Niehaves, B., & Klucken, T. (2021). Approach bias retraining through virtual reality in smokers willing to quit smoking: A randomized-controlled study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 141, Article 103858.
Machulska, A., Kleinke, K., Eiler, T. J., Grünewald, A., Brück, R., Jahn, K., Niehaves, B., Gethmann, C. F., & Klucken, T. (2019). Retraining automatic action tendencies for smoking using mobile phone-based approach-avoidance bias training: A study protocol for a randomized controlled study. Trials, 20, Article 720.
Machulska, A., Kleinke, K., & Klucken, T. (2023). Same same, but different: A psychometric examination of three frequently used experimental tasks for cognitive bias assessment in a sample of healthy young adults. Behavior Research Methods, 55(3), 1332–1351.
Machulska, A., Rinck, M., Klucken, T., Kleinke, K., Wunder, J.-C., Remeniuk, O., & Margraf, J. (2022). ’Push it!’ or ’hold it!’? A comparison of nicotine-avoidance training and nicotine-inhibition training in smokers motivated to quit. Psychopharmacology, 239, 105–121.
Spiess, M., Kleinke, K., & Reinecke, J. (2021). Proper multiple imputation of clustered or panel data. In P. Lynn (Ed.), Advances in longitudinal survey methodology (pp. 424–446). John Wiley & Sons.